And they secretly wondered who that girl was, that brought attention and gave it.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Artist talent, a curse.

+ =

Tad-DA! See how that works!
This is one of my amateur Photoshop pieces from a while back. I just thought the whole equation thing legitimized it. It's always been my passion (corny word, but who cares!) to become an artist. From when I was in the crib to now, saving up for art school, I've always idolized art. When I became older, and was taught how to use a computer, that became one of my main hobbies, going on the PC. Art and computers, put them together, and what you get is graphic design, currently my main goal.
Unfortunately, this is what my future life is looking like:

Expensive OCAD degree in Fine Arts + Studio Apartment = Starving freelance artist.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Summer is RAINY!

Wow, flooding on the DVP is crazy! Most of southern Ontario got the torrential downpour, myself included. Hopefully the rest of the summer will turn out nicely. Still not sure if I'll do that summer job at the banquet hall. Maybe this summer I just want to relax.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Oh. Man.

Alright, I'm going to be completely and brutally honest here. I almost wish that the G20 riots had gotten a little worse. I know, I'm a terrible person. I mean, I didn't want anyone to die, hell no, but it would have been a bit more interesting!
I mean, the whole action with the burning car was cool, and the smashed windows are interesting, but I dunno.
What is it about humanity that we enjoy this kinda stuff so much?

Friday, June 25, 2010

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaack!

(Lovely, huh?)

Okay, so after much though and deliberation (Okay, no thought and deliberation), I've decided to start up my blogspot again. Thanks, Lyla!

Recently, I read a book entitled The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. Well, I'd just like to say that I have never identified with a character as much as I saw myself in the main character, Charlie. It was such an amazing experience reading the book, and everytime I read it, I get something new out of it.

- - -

Today was Exam Review Day at my school, (No surprise that it's when you review your exams!) and I did okay on my exams. As follows,

Geography- 74% (But my Culminating and term mark were high 80s.)
Art- 86% (And I thought I'd failed!)
Science- 91%
Business-79% (We'll just say it's an 80)

I think this semester was really easy though, compared to my first semester. (Religion, Math, English, French) It had both my electives, which was a well deserved break from my hectic first semester. In grade 10 I'll be sure to make sure my schedule is more balanced!