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Tad-DA! See how that works!
This is one of my amateur Photoshop pieces from a while back. I just thought the whole equation thing legitimized it. It's always been my passion (corny word, but who cares!) to become an artist. From when I was in the crib to now, saving up for art school, I've always idolized art. When I became older, and was taught how to use a computer, that became one of my main hobbies, going on the PC. Art and computers, put them together, and what you get is graphic design, currently my main goal.
Unfortunately, this is what my future life is looking like:
Expensive OCAD degree in Fine Arts + Studio Apartment = Starving freelance artist.
Wow, the cityscape is beautiful! Art seems to be your calling! So you're going to OCAD? I know a couple of friends from there; it's a pretty fancy degree. Go for it, girl.
Well, I have to save up. But yeah, hopefully. I also have to get a portfolio ready. I'm too lazy. *Angel Face*
Coolerama! That looks so awesome! I've never used Photoshop before.
Simone + Art = a bright (satiated) future!
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